Carpentry Just a few projects we've done, plus experience accumulated from years of being recipients of good parenting. Contents *Tools: the basic tools needed. The more the easier projects become, as with automotive. *Bookshelves: a basic set of bookshelves, blueprints included. *Bed: standard twin bed, stackable for bunk. *Shelves: if you're too lazy to build a bookshelf, this is for you. *Table: harder than you would think, actually. Stupid Leveling. *[[Lea's Desk]] : just starting on a nice desk, very specific to my needs. Modular and customizable of course. *[[Shoe Rack / Bench]] : John and Leanne came over to Washington for a weekend, this was a spur-of the moment project that came off rather better than expected. Integrated much of the same design as the Bookshelves (pending addition).