Nokia FYGM HDMI Pinout {{ :nokia_fygm:nokia_hdmi_timesync.png?400 |}} Signal descriptions: * GPS_TIME_IN_H, GSM_FC_IN_H, GPS_TIME_IN_L, GSM_FC_IN_L: serial datafrom GPS to CPU or GSM Frame Clock input; RS422/485 differential * SingleEndedIn: REF2M_IN REF10M_IN Accepts TTL/CMOS and SINE from -6 to+13 dBm. Input impedance is approximately 75 Ohm, Reduced swing TTL resultingfrom TTL-Gate plus 75 Ohm source termination is OK, too. * NC: No Connection * GPS_PPS_IN_H, GSM_FN_IN_H, GPS_PPS_IN_L, GSM_FN_IN_L: PPS pulsefrom GPS or GSM Frame Number input; RS422/485 differential * GPS_CONTROL_H, GPS_CONTROL_L: Serial data form CPU to GPS; RS422/485differential. * GPS_PWR, GPS_PWR_RET: GPS power supply: 50 mA at 15 to >35 VGPS_PWR_N might not be isolated from GND but cannot be relied upon to be thesame. ^ Pin ^ Signal ^ Notes ^ | 1 | GPS_TIME_IN_H | UART from GPS | | 2 | SingleEndedIn | | | 3 | GPS_TIME_IN_L | UART from GPS | | 4 | GND | | | 5 | NC | | | 6 | GND | | | 7 | GPS_PPS_IN_H | PPS Pulse | | 8 | NC | | | 9 | GPS_PPS_IN_L | PPS Pulse | | 10 | GPS_CONTROL_H | UART input to GPS | | 11 | GND | | | 12 | GPS_CONTROL_L | UART input to GPS | | 13 | GND | | | 14 | NC | | | 15 | GPS_PWR_RET | 15-35v | | 16 | GND | | | 17 | GND | | | 18 | GPS_PWR | 15-35v | | 19 | NC | | {{ :nokia_fygm:max490.png |}} * *