Old sections and stuff from the start page. Will eventually get deleted or cleaned up further, but it's parked here for now. ===== Microcontrollers (μC) & Electronics ===== * [[:unbrick_ftdi|Unbrick FTDI]] - Unbricking devices broken by the 2.12.00 FTDI Virtual COM Port Drivers * [[:msp_430|MSP 430]] * [[:stellaris|Stellaris]]* * [[:msp-stellaris|MSP-Stellaris Hybrid Project]] * [[:ttlbasics|TTL Basics]] * [[:breadboards|]] * [[:tenma72905|Tenma 72-905 Oscilloscope]] * [[:raspi_misc_elecs|Misc. Raspberry Pi Electronics]] ===== Computers ===== * [[:ssh_tunnel_rdp|SSH Tunnel for RDP]] * [[:benchmark_results|CPU Benchmarks]] * [[:alpine|Alpine Linux]] * [[:software|Software]] * [[:latex|LaTeX]]* * [[:games|Games]] * [[:thinkpads|ThinkPads]] * [[:electronics_purchasing|Purchasing]]* * [[:windows|Windows]]* * [[:arch_linux|Arch Linux]]* * [[:networking|Networking]]* * [[:dell_poweredge_t310|T310]] * [[:plex380|Optiplex 380]] * [[:macpro21|Mac Pro 2,1]] ===== Outdoors ===== * [[:outdoors|Outdoors]]* * [[:gps|GPS]]* * [[:geoanasoft|Spatial Analysis]]* * [[:remsens|Remote Sensing]] * [[:maps|Maps]] ===== Other ===== * [[:timekeeping|Timekeeping]] * [[:prodrevs|Product Reviews]] * [[:philosophy|Philosophy]]* * [[:baking|Baking]] * [[:kindle|Kindle]] * [[:books|Books]]* * [[:entertainment|Entertainment]]* * [[:cooking|Cooking]]* * [[:small_electronic|Small Electronic]]* ===== Photography ===== * [[:photography|Photography]] * [[:printmaking|Printmaking]] * [[:film|Film Developing]] * [[:scanning_film|Scanning Film]]