===== Trimble 14532.00 ===== The 14532.00 is the L1/L2 geodetic antenna supplied for the Trimble 4000ST/SST GPS receiver. It has a fixed large ground plane. Its internal LNA is most likely rated for 7-28Vdc. UNAVCO has found it to pull 52mA at 7.2v and 87mA at 12v. === Resources === * https://www.prc68.com/I/Trimpack.shtml#4000STant * {{ ::trimble_ant_voltages.pdf |UNAVCO Antenna Voltages}} / [[https://kb.unavco.org/article/gnss-receiver-and-antenna-power-compatibilities-492.html|GNSS Receiver and Antenna Power Compatibilities - UNAVCO]] * [[https://trimbletools.com/cgi-bin/Antenna.ini/display_antenna?antenna=4000SST+L1/L2+Geodetic|TrimbleTools Specs on 14532.00]] === Photos === {{gallery>:gnss_antennas:14532.00}}