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Build testptp on Debian

Applies to Debian-based distros too.

  1. Install build-essential and kernel source
    sudo apt install linux-source build-essential
  2. Decompress kernel source
    cd /usr/src ;
    sudo tar -xf linux-source-5.10.tar.xz
  3. Build!
    cd /usr/src/linux-source-5.10/tools/testing/selftests/ptp ;
    gcc -static testptp.c -o testptp
  4. Optional - install
    mv testptp /usr/bin/.
  5. Test!
    $ sudo testptp /dev/ptp0 -c
      62499999 maximum frequency adjustment (ppb)
      0 programmable alarms
      2 external time stamp channels
      2 programmable periodic signals
      1 pulse per second
      4 programmable pins
      0 cross timestamping
      0 adjust_phase
build_testptp_debian.txt ยท Last modified: 2024/11/14 02:30 by

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