====== Alpine Linux ====== Alpine Linux wiki: http://wiki.alpinelinux.org/wiki/Main_Page My Mirror: I'll do a public URL when it's finished. ===== Alpine on HarleyDigital/LJCK ===== There are a number of locations within the HarleyDigital infrastructure where Alpine Linux can be used to replace Arch Linux, after a thorough vetting process((lol)). Web Servers - Mirror: small, easy, only needs lighttpd and lots of storage - eBooks/Misc: same as above, but less storage - WebGate (reverse proxy): nginx with libpam (which'll have to be compiled) - LJCK: only needs lighttpd/php, but I don't know when DO will support Alpine Application Servers - UbunPlex: Might be trouble getting plex running on apline. Also needs transmission. - SSHGate: openssh & google auth pam module - AppServ/AppDev/AppDev1: Shouldn't be a problem, generally just used for nginx/python/perl/bash dev - RPIIDS: I'll have to test to make sure alpine and my script works well on an RPi - ArchPXE: tftp server, decent storage - ArchDock: docker host, there's a 1.8.0 package so that's about all there is to it.