~~NOTOC~~ ====== Books ====== "The man who reads lives a million lives, the man who reads none lives only one [if that]." Organized by genre, for the picky people out there. Short blurbs for each to give you an idea. Maybe just an excel file. Someday. ===== Must Read ===== === Science Fiction === === Mystery === === Fantasy === === Non Fiction === === Philosophy === === Romance === ===== On Obtaining eBooks ===== First of all, buy a [[http://www.amazon.com/Kindle-Wi-Fi-Ink-Display-Screensavers/dp/B0051QVESA/ref=sr_1_1?s=digital-text&ie=UTF8&qid=1328815063&sr=1-1 |kindle]]. Now, to get some ebooks. The easy way: go to [[http://www.amazon.com/Kindle-eBooks/b/ref=sa_menu_kbo7?ie=UTF8&node=1286228011 |amazon books]] and buy books there. ==== The Hard(er) Way ==== - Obtain an IRC program. We recommend [[http://www.hexchat.org/|HexChat]]. - Connect to irc.irchigway.net, #ebooks channel. - @search author or title - Extract search results. - Copy-paste to chat bar. - Extract Results - [[http://2epub.com]] to convert whatever you get to mobi. NOTICE: This is only for obtaining books that are not copyrighted in any way shape or form. This method CAN NOT be used to obtain copyrighted materials.