====== Lesotho ====== All Lesotho Posts here, chronologically ordered with the newest at the top - except Comm notes is sticky at the top. [[Lea:Lcommnotes|Lesotho Communication Notes And Wishlist]] [[Lea:booklist|Booklist]] [[Lea:1501|January : New Years and The Inexorable Crawl of Time]] [[Lea:141229|December 2 : Swearing in and Christmas]] [[Lea:1412|December : Teaching, Tseshlayayane, Slot Canyon Spa, Cooking, Adventures of the Morning of the 13th of December, and Tertiary Projects]] [[Lea:141122|November 2 : Going to Supervisor Workshops and Permanent Sites]] [[Lea:141115|November : Basotho Culture and Other Things]] [[https://plus.google.com/photos/103046337820967555528/albums/6079293641926564561?authkey=CM_yuc_o0JffzAE|PICTURES!]] [[Lea:141101|October ?? - November : Settling Down]] [[Lea:141021|October 18-21 : HVV]] [[Lea:1410L|October 13-17 : First Days]] [[Lea:141018Lesotho|October 6-10 : Travel and Arrival]] Disclaimer : These are my opinions and do not reflect official peace corp policy.((I was told to put this here, interestingly.))