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Icom IC-706 MkII

Picked up at Augusta Boat Anchor Hamfest 2024-02-10. Unit had switch mounted to the bottom intake vent for “cooling/thermal reasons”. Switch connects the positive side of D13 to F2. Unit has also been MARS/wideband Tx modded. Has optional SSB crystals FL-223 (1.9kHz) and FL-103 (2.8kHz) fitted.

With the switch in place: if power is applied, and switch is off, unit will not turn on via front panel button. When switch is turned on, the fan turns on at full power, radio does not power up unless the power button is pressed - soft power works. The radio cannot be turned off via the front power button, the rig turns off then turns right back on.

The radio was also previously repaired. On the underside of the PA board there is a repair wire running over two burned out traces. The trace ran between pins 6 & 7 on J5 and pin 12 (one of the coil inputs) of RL3.



ic706mkii.txt · Last modified: 2024/02/11 17:13 by
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