Bringing WSPR data into the world of GIS!


  1. Download & decompress zip from -
  2. Pull call into new CSV
    cat wsprspots*.csv | grep call > call_wsprspots.csv
  3. Add fields to top of csv
  4. Geocode 2x, once for CallGrid, once for ReporterGrid. Outputs are reporterIsMe and callerIsMe, respectively.
  5. Strip geocoder fields
  6. Add i_am field to both.
  7. Field calculate: reporterIsMe.i_am = reporter ; callerIsMe.i_am = caller
  8. Merge reporterIsMe and callerIsMe
  9. Add fields for: timedate, time, date, day_of_week, time_of_day, band
  10. - timdate - calculate from epoch time:
  11. - test
wspr_gis.txt · Last modified: 2022/11/14 03:07 by millerjs
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