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Gnuplot Scraps

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Things to remember:

  • set datafile separator “,” sometimes it forgets how CSVs work?
  • set key autotitle columnhead really useful for >1 data series
  • set xtics (0,300,600,900,1200,1500,1800,2100,2400,2700,3000,3300,3600) not really needed with the following option
  • set xtic 3600 set xtic interval
  • set xrange [0:33090] sometimes it's nice to manually define ranges


Ping RTT Graphing

set term qt font "Courier,12"
set label 1 'Std Dev:  0.0432' at 1500,0.775 font "Courier,12"
set label 2 'Jitter:   0.0396 ms' at 1500,0.763 font "Courier,12"
set label 3 'Avg RTT:  0.4662 ms' at 1500,0.75 font "Courier,12"
set ylabel 'RTT (Milliseconds)'
set xlabel '# Pings'
set xrange [0:3600]
set xtic 300
set title 'Raspberry Pi 3B v1.2, 3600 pings, Closed System'
plot 'RPi3Bv1.2.txt' w p notitle lt 6
gnuplot_scraps.txt · Last modified: 2024/11/14 02:30 by

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