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Shoe Rack / Bench

As I said, spur of the moment project. We were casting around for something to do on Sunday, before Leanne and John had to go, and they landed on this. Something about too many shoes in the living room and nowhere to put them. At any rate, we drew the sketches in Panera, on my brand-new moleskine (very hipster, I know) (we had just gone to Barnes and Noble, bought some Lego).

At any rate, we figured out what sizes we needed, did some half-assed calculations about how much we needed, and went to Lowes, buying extra of everything. Only the cheapest pine, naturally.

Initial Sketches

We will scan some pages from the moleskine where we drew the initial design, but they're really bad and the design evolved quite a bit from it's starting point so we'll also include some AutoCAD drawings.

Post-Completion Drawings

A bit more detailed on the design AutoCAD drawings.

shoe_rack_bench.txt ยท Last modified: 2024/11/14 02:30 by

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