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True Position GPSDO
Standard output when locked
$CLOCK 1296916319 18 3 $CLOCK 1296916320 18 3 $CLOCK 1296916321 18 3 $CLOCK 1296916322 18 3 $EXTSTATUS 0 3 00.58 34.89 $STATUS 0 0 0 0 4 0 $CLOCK 1296916323 18 3 $CLOCK 1296916324 18 3 $CLOCK 1296916325 18 3 $CLOCK 1296916326 18 3
- A: 10MHz (0=good, 1=bad)
- B: 1PPS (0=good, 1=bad)
- C: Antenna Status (0=good, 1=bad)
- D: Holdover Duration (seconds)
- E: # Satellites Tracked
- F: Status:
- 0 - Locked
- 1 - Recovery
- A: Survey Status (0=normal, 1=surveying)
- B: # Satellites Tracked
- D: OCXO Temperature
Based on FW 12.0.1 Commands: $PROCEED [Send at startup to get past the bootloader] $FACT [Factory preset] $GETBDELAY [returns board delay, nanoseconds] $GETDELAY [returns cable delay, nanoseconds] $GETPOS [return position ] $GETSCALEFACTOR [Returns a float, such as 3.742106e-3] $GETVER [returns version info] $KALDBG <0|1> [Enable reporting of Kalman filter parameters] $PPSDBG <0|1> [Enable or disable timing information every second] $RESET [Unit software reset] $SETBDELAY <n> [-32 <= n <= 32, Set board delay, PPS4 units (roughly 5 or 6 ns). PPS4 is controlled to equal this value] $SETDELAY <n> [-32768 <= n <= 32767Set cable delay, nanoseconds] $SETPOS <n> <n> <n> [set position to Lat/Long/Elevation_MSL, send value returned by survey] $SURVEY <n> [survey for n hours, default is 8] $TRAINOXCO [Start OXCO Training. This restarts the board ($PROCEED needed), and measures freq change with 500 ADC count] $UPDATE FLASH [update flash memory settings] Other unknown commands: $GETA [returns -1; Attenuator?] $GETP [returns -1 255; Potentiometer?] $SET1PPS ["$SET1PPS 0"/"$SET1PPS 1"] seems to go to a manual holdover mode, and status changes to 3] [Seems to return to normal a few minutes after "$SET1PPS 1 1"??? (Status goes 8,16,17,18,0] Messages: $STATUS 1: (Maybe 10 MHz bad, based on packrat docs) 2: (Maybe PPS bad, based on packrat docs) 3: Antenna is bad? 0=good 4: Holdover duration (secs) 5: Number of sats tracked (different than, but within 2 of $EXTSTATUS, perhaps only counts channels 0-7???, range is 0-8) Status [Locked = 0, Recovery = 1, (Forced holdover?)=3, Train OXCO=7, Holdover = 8, [Startup A/B/C/D = 10/11/2/19 ] [ (transition from 1 to 0) = (14,15,16,17,18) ] Wait states when transitioning [ (transition from 0 to 1) = (20,21,22) ] Wait states when transitioning (6 = locked, but unknown location????) // $PPSDBG 1187153266 3 25.28081e3 -253 -6 2 2 0.0 1: same as clock (GPS Time) 2: Same as $STATUS status, but updates much more often (and seems to skip states less often) 3: Floating point number. Output voltage. Tends towards 29e3 on my board. Proportional to the DAC voltage On my RevC CTS board, Vbias ~= 6.25e-5*PPS3. This may make sense for a 4.096 V reference: 4.096/2^16=6.25e-5 During startup, it is not put in the result string (this field is blank, so two sequential space characters are in the string) 4: Measured phase offset? Units seem something like 6.5*ns 5: Looks like a saw-tooth between -15 and 15 (or so). Perhaps the quantization error reported by the GPS module? 6: Normally 0, but sometimes 2 (related to holdover/startup?) 7: Normally 0, but sometimes 1 or 2 (related to holdover/startup?) 8: Always 0.0? $EXTSTATUS 1: SurveyStatus [0=normal, 1=surveying] 2: Number of sats (different than, but within 2 of $STATUS, perhaps only counts channels 0-9, range is 0-10) 3: DOP (maybe TDOP?) 4: Temperature (close to FPGA? close to oven?) (my board reads about 45C) // $GETPOS (sent after setting position, or requesting position Latitude Longitude Elevation_MSL Correction to MSL to get WGS elevation (add this value to MSL to get WGS ellipsoid) Status flag [(Normal?)=0 on 196 board or =2 on Bliley board, Surveying=3], or maybe a FOM? // $SURVEY 40448488 -86915296 225 -34 7129 [sent during a survey] 1: Latitude 2: Longitude 3: Elevation_MSL 4: Correction to MSL to get WGS elevation (add this value to MSL to get WGS ellipsoid) 5: Number of seconds remaining $SAT Channel # (0-based, seems to only return channel 0 through 7) GPS Sattelite number Elevation (degree) Azimuth (degree) SNR (dB*Hz) $CLOCK 1187156731 18 3 GPS UNIX-timestamp (secs since 1970), but my board is off by 10 years (reporting 2007 while it is 2017) Count of leap-seconds Time figure-of-merit (1=good, 7=bad) $GETVER 12.0.1 BOOT 10 fbde 7437 06162200B0000A2004183ACC $GETVER 12.0.1 0.4850266.0.1 19 fbde 7437 06162200B0000A2004183ACC [version information, I used this to know if I need to send the PROCEED command, String contains BOOT when in bootloader mode] [During boot, only terminated with LF but not CR(or maybe other-way around?)] 1: Bootloader version? 2: ("BOOT" during boot) or (software or perhaps GPS version info????) 3: Status code (same as $STATUS) 4: CRC of something? 5: Always 7437? 6: (Part number: 06162200)(Board Rev: B)(Assembly version: 0000)(Delimeter: A)(Year: 2004)(Week?: 18)(SN?: 3ACC) $WSAT 4 138 209 38 0 [WAAS Satellite info, same format as $SAT] $SET1PPS [Sent at boot, but also in response to a $SET1PPS command. Sent every 20 seconds.] $KALDBG 1187203779 0.08 29.59241e3 0.120e-3 0.568 0 0 [Only be sent when reference is locked (state=0)] 1: GPS UNIX-timestamp (secs since 1970), but my board is off by 10 years (reporting 2007 while it is 2017) 2: Floating point number. Resets to 0 at time of lock (and at end of holdover). 3: Floating point number. Magnitude is similar to PPS3, but does not track it so well. 4: Floating point. Resets to 0 at time of lock (and at end of holdover). 5: Floating point. Smoothed version of PPS3, seems like ~6.5*(PPS phase in ns)? Resets to 0 at time of lock (and at end of holdover). 6: Flag, always zero? 7: Flag, always zero?
trueposition_gpsdo.txt ยท Last modified: 2024/11/14 02:30 by