Table of Contents
Some notes on using ubxtool to configure a u-blox GNSS receiver for timing applications.
Crank up the baud rate
ubxtool -S 115200
(Will probably have to restart GPSD aftwards)
Set the power management setting to full power
ubxtool -p CFG-PMS,0
Export protocol version and verbrosity
export UBXOPTS="-P 22.00 -v2"
v3 verbosity includes the raw hex values!
Class x06 (CFG) ID x24 (NAV5), len: 0x24 header: b5,62,06,24,24,00 payload: 01,00,02,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00 chksum: 51,2c UBX-CFG-NAV5: mask 0x1 dynModel 2 fixmode 0 fixedAlt 0 FixedAltVar 0 minElev 0 drLimit 0 pDop 0 tDop 0 pAcc 0 tAcc 0 staticHoldThresh 0 dgpsTimeOut 0 cnoThreshNumSVs 0 cnoThresh 0 res 0 staticHoldMaxDist 0 utcStandard 0 reserved x0 0 dynModel (Stationary) fixMode (Unk) utcStandard (Default) mask ()
NEO/MAX-M8 Series
Set model to stationary
ubxtool -p MODEL,2
Sample Initialization
ubxtool -S 38400 ubxtool -e BINARY ubxtool -d NMEA ubxtool -d GLONASS ubxtool -p MODEL,2 ubxtool -p CFG-PMS,0
Initialization Script
#!/bin/bash # Init MAX-M8Q # set protver export UBXOPTS="-P 18.00" # Enable UBX format, disable NMEA ubxtool -e BINARY ubxtool -d NMEA # Disable GLONASS ubxtool -d GLONASS # Switch to stationary & full power mode ubxtool -p MODEL,2 ubxtool -p CFG-PMS,0 # set baud rate & serial port speed gpsctl -s 38400
Export options
export UBXOPTS="-P 22 -v2"
ubxtool -e SURVEYIN,3600,500000
Time in seconds, accuracy in 0.1mm increments.
Check survey status:
ubxtool -p TIM-SVIN | grep SVIN -A 2 UBX-TIM-SVIN: dur 31 meanX 163983910 meanY -422921845 meanZ 446887812 meanV 1415408128 obs 32 valid 0 active 1
ubxtool -p SAVE
Init Script
#!/bin/bash # Init MAX-M8Q # set protver export UBXOPTS="-P 22.00" # Enable UBX format, disable NMEA ubxtool -e BINARY ubxtool -d NMEA # Disable GLONASS ubxtool -d GLONASS # Switch to stationary & full power mode ubxtool -p MODEL,2 ubxtool -p CFG-PMS,0 # set baud rate & serial port speed gpsctl -s 115200
ubxtool -P 27.50 -p RESET
Survey-In (RTK)
ubxtool -e SURVEYIN3,600,10000 -v 2 -P 27.50
600 seconds, 1m accuracy.
ubxtool.txt ยท Last modified: 2025/02/02 21:25 by admin