MSP 430
A fun microcontroller project we picked up a relatively short while ago, some programming for those who need to see real-life results. We started out with the Launchpad a wonderfully cheap little board that allows you to interface with the chip easily through usb. Programming is done in C, so if you don't know any programming, this is a great place to learn.
There are several projects that cascade off of the MSP, but are unrelated to each other.
- Numitron Tubes - Very cool soviet-era incandescent 7-segment displays that don't need insane voltages to run!
- MSP-MET - An MSP430-based Meteorological Data Collection System
- MSP430 & Linux - Using the MSP430 Launchpad in Linux
- 1602A LCD - 16×2 display
- DS32KHz - A 32.768KHz Temperature-Compensated Oscilator
- Testing the MSP430 Crystal - Once you have the crystal soldered on your launchpad, or if you're using an external crystal, you're going to want to know whether or not it works.
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